Monday, July 5, 2010

1982 - Pink & Pretty Christie

Just stunning

The Pink & Pretty Girls!
Pink & Pretty Barbie was my favorite as a kid, My sister got her me a few years back in the box so I was happy. I then found a picture of Pink & Pretty Christie and instantly fell in love with her but not the cost. She was like $170+ in the box so I never dreamed I would get her.
My wonderful new Barbie pal said she had a spare so I jumped at the offer of owning her and she is now in my top 3 dolls!
She had rather thick matted hair at first, I tried a makeover but I still wasn't happy with the results as it was all bushy and hard to manage. I boiled the kettle ready to straighten it.
When I nervously poured the water over her head, all the fuzz seemed to disappear and keep the beautiful wave to it. I have never tried this method on Barbie before but it worked and gave me the perfect result.

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